
Global UGRAD тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрт амжилттай тэнцсэн эсээнүүд

Энэ удаагийн нийтлэлээрээ бид Global UGRAD хөтөлбөрийн эхний шатанд амжилттай шалгарсан 2 эсээг анализ хийн та бүхэнд хүргэхийг зорилоо. 

Өргөдөл илгээхэд нийт 2 төрлийн эсээ бичихийг шаарддаг. Нэгдүгээр эсээний хувьд өөрийгөө энэ хөтөлбөрт тохирох хүн гэдгийг батлах эсээ байна. Хоёрдугаар эсээний сэдвийг жил бүр сольдог. Гэвч ихэвчлэн манлайлал, нийгмийн сайн сайхны төлөөх үйл хэрэг зэргийг асуудаг. Харин эсээний үгийн тоо нийт үгийн тоо 400-600 хооронд байх ёстой.

Доорх жишээнүүд нь жил бүр адилхан сэдэвтэй байдаг эхний сэдвийн хүрээнд сонгож авсан эсээнүүд билээ. Гэвч хүн болгоны туулсан амьдрал, түүх өөр учир өөрийнхөөрөө, бусдаас онцгой байхыг хичээгээрэй.

Яг одоогийн байдлаар TomYo апп дээр дараах хөтөлбөрүүдийн элсэлт эхэлсэн явж байна. Та энд дарж бүртгүүлэх боломжтой.

1. Why would you be a great participant of the Global UGRAD Program?

 I first heard about the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) in Eurasia and Central Asia from a friend that has had previous experience with it and has been praising the program. From the account that I got from my friend, my thirst for an opportunity to study in the United States has been renewed as what I have heard about higher education in America and the stress that it puts oh hands-on experience excites me. This is in total contrast to the theoretical approach that I went through in my education before going to college. This mode of teaching is designed to prepare the person that is going through it adequately for what they will get to experience once they are out of school and are in the job market (Andrade, Evans & American Council on Education, 2009).

Though I have never been in the United States, I have an idea of how the universities have a strong reputation in the courses that they offer and I have heard a lot of positive comments from people that have had the opportunity to go there and see firsthand what they have to offer. These schools have a strong support system for the international students and the quality of education that they offer and the cooperation programs that are available that enable the students to alternate semesters attending schools so that they can be able to get an experience is amazing. The overall support of the schools is wonderful and it serves to encourage the students to study better and harder.

The academic reputations that the schools in the United States have also serve as a motivating factor for me to want to go there since they are what attract most of the international students that go to the United States. The universities in the United States have support programs that are significant and are aimed at retaining international students such as myself once they are enrolled at the school.

The quality of education is very desirable and makes the students to be able to think and look at issues more critically while making sure that they get the chance to actively participate in the learning process unlike what happens in other places where they mainly stress on lectures to very many students at a particular time. 

From what is heard about universities in the United States from the people that have had the chance to be there and to study there, the best experience in education is found there and the alumni of these institutions continue to speak highly of them. There are a variety of academic programs that are offered in the institutions in the United States and this means that the students do not have to be forced to take a course that they do not desire simply because other courses are not offered as it happens in many different parts of the world.

I have always been fascinated with the United States as a country and how it has a lot to offer in terms of education and job opportunities. Given the chance to be part of the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) in Eurasia and Central Asia, the experience would fulfill my dream of getting a practical education and preparing me adequately for the job opportunities that are endless once I am done with my education there.

TomYo аппын 14 хоногийн эрхтэй картыг CU, Internom-ийн салбараас авах боломжтой боллоо.

Анализ: Global UGRAD хөтөлбөрийн гол зорилго нь Америкийн соёлыг залуусаар дамжуулан дэлхийд түгээх юм. Тиймээс тухайн оролцогч Америк улсад хайртай, тэр улсад нэн сонирхолтой байх нь чухал. Эсээний хувьд өөрийнхөө Америкт суралцах хүслээ тодорхой, судалгааны үндсэн дээр илэрхийлсэн нь оновчтой шийдэл болсон. 

Жишээ нь “Though I have never been in the United States, I have an idea of how the universities have a strong reputation in the courses that they offer and I have heard a lot of positive comments from people that have had the opportunity to go there and see firsthand what they have to offer.” гэх хэсэгт Америк улс руу зорчиж байгаагүй ч хангалттай судалгаа хийсэн гэдгийг илэрхийлсэн байна. Тиймээс хөтөлбөрийн чухал шалгуурыг хангаж байгаа юм. Харин анзаарагдсан дутагдалтай тал нь хувь хүн талаасаа өөрийгөө илэрхийлсэн хэсэг багатай байв. Гэвч нэг хүн хоёр эсээ бичдэг тул бичихийг хүссэн зүйлээ хувааж, тааруулах боломжтой. 

2. Why would you be a great participant of the Global UGRAD Program?

Hailing from a remote area on the verge of the Pak-Afghan border where people don’t even dream about higher education, it’s not less than a miracle that today I am enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering department of a prestigious Engineering University in Pakistan. It wasn’t that easy as it may sound. I have tried hard to get admission into a University of good repute. If I’ll get more opportunities to excel; it would send a positive message to the youth and elders in my area that education is the ray of hope in the current bewildering situation.

From early childhood, I had to live at student hostels, far from my home because my village lacks even basic educational facilities. I have suffered but I can proudly say that my struggle has rewarded me with confidence, knowledge and most of all, hope. I have experienced that how your struggle pays you back and that has made me more ambitious.

God has blessed me with a number of skills including the quality of being outspoken and has won different titles in several debating contests. I have been the best debater in school, college, and province. Recently won the 2nd position at the Inter-department declamation contest and am selected for the regional declamation contest from my university. Been the best player of cricket at the school level and played different domestic games.

I believe in Win-Win situations. I feel that it’s my duty to share what I have with those who can’t afford to acquire. That’s why I have voluntarily organized different seminars and workshops on career counseling and future planning. I have volunteered as a teacher in my village school. Worked as a volunteer, in the rehabilitation of earthquake and flood-affected areas of Pakistan.

I believe in the power of youth and I consider youth as the symbol of success for a society. I am a youth activist and have attended different seminars, workshops, and conferences for the development and awareness of youth. I have recently attended international youth conferences and seminars held in Islamabad.

The world, being a global village today needs harmony among people from different religions and races. This Student Exchange Programme seems to me as a perfect chance to meet with people from diverse ethnicities. If today’s Youth will avail such opportunities to understand and tolerate each other, tomorrow’s world would be more peaceful and prosperous. This exchange program will help me enhance my leadership skills and the myriad exposure of this program would enhance the effectiveness of my devotion to educate my people. This program will help me experience the eminent education standards of the United States that can enhance my passion and love for my field. 

Анализ: Энэхүү эсээний гол онцлог нь давуу тал, чадваруудаа өөрийнхөө түүхээр илэрхийлсэн нь байв. “From early childhood, I had to live at student hostels, far from my home because my village lacks even basic educational facilities. I have suffered but I can proudly say that my struggle has rewarded me with confidence, knowledge and most of all, hope. I have experienced that how your struggle pays you back and that has made me more ambitious.” 

Ийм төрлийн тэтгэлгийн эсээнд өөрийнхөө тухай илэрхийлэхдээ дээрх жишээ мэт уншиж буй хүн нүдэндээ дүрсэлтэл өгүүлэх хэрэгтэй. Мөн хөтөлбөрт хамрагдаж буй хүмүүсээс онцлон харах нэг зүйл нь нийгмийн идэвх байдаг. Гэхдээ өөрийгөө хэтэрхий шүтсэн, дөвийлгөсөн хандлага гаргахгүй байхыг хичээгээрэй. Нийгмийн идэвхээ дурдах нь зөв боловч үүнийгээ илэрхийлэхдээ гаргасан үр дүндээ төвлөрөх нь илүү давуу талтай юм.

error: Энэхүү контент хамгаалагдсан!